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Science of Advanced Aromatherapy & Essential Oils, Pure Nature, Sound Science, Rich Life, Next Generation "Clinical" grade Essential Oils, Evidence Based Theory
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Can you trust a Naturalpath or Aromatherapist?
I shared some information to people to help explain the difference in essential oils. This drew a response that wasn't "open minded" at all from one particular person. That person also showed her ignorance with statements.
This response helped me understand her response. "-The fact that she was so vicious in her response just shows that she thinks she has something to LOSE by Améo, not gain. I've seen such responses before. Mostly when they think that they are trained higher than others, and lose that superiority through what we offer in training. I wouldn't worry about her. We know what we have. Those who are open and want the best respond to it. Some will, some won't. Don't get caught up in the confusion they are trying to create. If they can't compete, they can try to confuse. There is no misinformation in that video at all. Just information that changes the industry, and it seems like she doesn't think it should change. She will get left behind, but that's what always happens when there is a shift in an industry.
The thing I really can't believe is that she would go after Dr. Plant's credentials. They are readily verifiable with a basic search:
AND I've actually had big push-back from several "aromatherapists" who in the end, believe that we are cutting into their business. Natural health practitioners acting like pharmaceutical companies... it's just the truth of the matter for some of these people! "
Reflecting on this, I have to share. When I first began, I too followed the company line, accepting what was taught as it must be truth. Then I continued to learn. I've taken 12 certification courses related to essential oils from 3 different sources. I started questioning what I was being told by the company. It didn't add up to the things I was paying to learn. And then I found current research didn't always support some of the certifications I'd paid to take. Example: Never to ingest essential oils, when we've been ingesting them in flavoring of foods, candy, soda pops, gum, mints for decades. LorAnn Oils are essential oils for flavoring homemade candy. Several Chef food companies offer a food grade essential oils for flavoring as well. And yes, there are some out there that should never be ingested, education is where this comes in, Evidence-Based education.
Then I started realizing, there are some companies with integrity. Some that actually support their statements with research. Some that actually show their testing to prove their purity. Some with the highest integrity, which is what I want to offer those who listen to me.
Some people think anything related to an MLM company, must be bad. This is another misconception. Yes, especially in the past, there were shady MLM companies or scams, and they didn't survive. And yes, there are a few out there today where the bottom line is the $ and not integrity, purity, quality standards, etc. Basically all "jobs" are MLM designed. You have the Owner on top, then Managers, Supervisors & workers. MLM you have Diamond on top (or whatever they call it) then various levels down to distributor. Most any job you'll begin at the bottom or near, and work your way up. All jobs take work, time, dedication, effort. Most people these days don't get paid for doing nothing, so don't get into MLM thinking it will be easy money, or your up-line will build it for you. Up-line tend to help those who are helping themselves grow.
So, back to the original question, can you trust a Naturalpath or Aromatherapist? That still depends, upon their Integrity. Listen to learn. Where did they get their education? Was it a simply a one time class for a few hours claiming certified Aromatherapist? Or have they continued on education to a Master's level or multi certifications in various fields. Look at the products they offer in their "Health store or practice". Are they reputable or questionable? Take a few notes, go home, do a little research, and decide if they have the quality you're looking for in true health... or are they simply marketing junk in the name of income. Too often, stores happen to market what is a "fad" rather than what is supported by research & science. And if they say "all essential oils are basically the same" or "therapeutic grade" (which is a marketing term only), then they have not continued their own education on products. There is a difference in essential oil quality and purity, they are not all the same.
Now, do we trust a company that's been in business for many years? Not necessarily, again, it could simply be they cornered the beginning market and grew. I know of one company who's 57 yrs old, has a great reputation, uses a pharmaceutical licensed facility (but does not make anything medical or drugs), and has test proven pure high quality source nutritional supplements. They are pricey but you get what you pay for. Some over the counter vitamins have been shown to actually pass through, not dissolve, therefore your flushing your vitamin and money down the toilet. There is another company that has taken the worlds most nutritious plant, Moringa oleifera, and there are various moringa plants, this species has tested to have the best properties. And has developed a product line from the purest complete form. This is supported by world researchers who've acknowledged that the company has the best Moringa Oleifera available. The company is Zija International.
And there are higher standards than the marketing term of therapeutic grade on essential oils. Research institutions around the world, use a tested higher grade called clinical grade. They don't use your common known oils on the market. And this research until recently was not shared openly to essential oil companies. Then Dr Joshua Plant came along with the credentials that impressed Researchers. They work together on developing the purest quality of essential oils, a true clinical grade. Dr Plant has been instrumental in research showing cell active and cell permeable essential oils as well as gene therapy with essential oils. This company is financially solid, as well as having highest integrity and Zija is the parent company of Ameo. Ameo is the first and only, true and proven in testing clinical grade essential oils that are available to the general public and at prices comparable to what's on the market with lower quality oils. Ameo is being endorsed by world renown experts in the field of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils, like Dr Daniel Penoel MD, and Researcher Dr Pierre Franchomme. And Ameo tests more than other oil companies to prove their purity and quality, as well as they release all their tests including a live video of the cell active, cell permeability of each individual batch of oil. Every bottle has a batch number on bottom, you type in online to see all released tests. What happens should a batch not pass all the tests? That batch is sold through a broker to other essential oil companies. Do you want the best available, or settle for good enough?
Lots of information to consider. Simply ask for the Naturalpath or Aromatherapists credentials, where did they get their certification. Look at the products they offer in a Health store or business and go home and research that product or company line. Lower quality products would indicate they are only marketing what they were sold on themselves to produce income. That usually means you'll see poor or no results and could see complications. Never blindly accept a recipe or information on Pinterest or Facebook. Ask the person where they got their information, was it a reliable research supported source? Or a company backed book pushing use and sales.
I hope I have you thinking... for yourself. Curious what I've found? Look at other blog posts I have.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Research scientist speaks in Bismarck
Research scientist speaks in Bismarck
Bismarck, North Dakota on November 7th, 2015
Dr Joshua Plant
Dr Joshua Plant, Recognized research
Bismarck, North Dakota on November 7th, 2015
Dr Joshua Plant
Science Revolutionizing Essential Oil Industry
Dr Joshua Plant, Recognized research
scientist advances the clinical application of essential oils. Speaking in
Bismarck, ND at the Bismarck Event Center.
Bismarck, ND, November 7, 2015:
10:30am – 1:00pm Room 105
10:30am – 1:00pm Room 105
Dr Joshua Plant PhD, will be speaking in Bismarck ND, at
the Bismarck Event Center, free admission to the health conscious and health
care community. Dr Plant’s expertise in
the field of biomedical science and research with essential oils as well as the
field of nutrition, he brings a clearer understanding of the defined difference
in essential oils, proper and safe use, and industry leading advances. Because of Dr Plants belief
in helping the body heal itself, he choose to work for Amèo instead of
pharmaceutical companies who mainly deal with symptoms. Following his lecture, there will be a
book signing.
the Bismarck Event Center, free admission to the health conscious and health
care community. Dr Plant’s expertise in
the field of biomedical science and research with essential oils as well as the
field of nutrition, he brings a clearer understanding of the defined difference
in essential oils, proper and safe use, and industry leading advances. Because of Dr Plants belief
in helping the body heal itself, he choose to work for Amèo instead of
pharmaceutical companies who mainly deal with symptoms. Following his lecture, there will be a
book signing.
Dr Joshua Plant graduated from Harvard Medical School with
a PhD in biomedical sciences. Typically
an 8 year program he was able to accomplish it in 3-1/2 years, graduating first
in his class. He graduated with honors
from the University of Utah as well. Dr
Plant completed fellowships at both the National Institutes of Health and the
Huntsman Cancer Institute. And selected as 1 in 14 International recipients of
the NIH Research Fellowship Award and an NIH scholar. He has completed
extensive research across numerous scientific and health institutions including
the National Institutes of Health and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr Plant is one of only a handful of
scientists to receive the National Institute of Health Undergraduate
Scholarship. He was also a National
McNair Fellow, and achieved national recognition for his research from the
American Association for the Advancement of Scientists (AAAS). His study of aromatic phytocompounds has
pioneered and revolutionized the essential oil industry and his work has been
instrumental in advancing the therapeutic application of essential oils. Dr Plant is an accomplished speaker that has
been invited to numerous International Scientific Conferences for his in-depth
knowledge of the molecular mechanics of the human body. Dr Plant is also
published in numerous scientific journals.
Dr Plant has been invited to author a chapter in a textbook that will be
available to medical schools on Natural and Alternative Therapies. He recently co-authored a book “Synergy It’s
An Essential Oil Thing” Revolutionizing the Science of Essential Oil Synergy
with Cells, Genes, and Human Health. Dr
Plant has recently completed a World Science tour, teaching of the advancements
in essential oil research and clinical studies.
a PhD in biomedical sciences. Typically
an 8 year program he was able to accomplish it in 3-1/2 years, graduating first
in his class. He graduated with honors
from the University of Utah as well. Dr
Plant completed fellowships at both the National Institutes of Health and the
Huntsman Cancer Institute. And selected as 1 in 14 International recipients of
the NIH Research Fellowship Award and an NIH scholar. He has completed
extensive research across numerous scientific and health institutions including
the National Institutes of Health and Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr Plant is one of only a handful of
scientists to receive the National Institute of Health Undergraduate
Scholarship. He was also a National
McNair Fellow, and achieved national recognition for his research from the
American Association for the Advancement of Scientists (AAAS). His study of aromatic phytocompounds has
pioneered and revolutionized the essential oil industry and his work has been
instrumental in advancing the therapeutic application of essential oils. Dr Plant is an accomplished speaker that has
been invited to numerous International Scientific Conferences for his in-depth
knowledge of the molecular mechanics of the human body. Dr Plant is also
published in numerous scientific journals.
Dr Plant has been invited to author a chapter in a textbook that will be
available to medical schools on Natural and Alternative Therapies. He recently co-authored a book “Synergy It’s
An Essential Oil Thing” Revolutionizing the Science of Essential Oil Synergy
with Cells, Genes, and Human Health. Dr
Plant has recently completed a World Science tour, teaching of the advancements
in essential oil research and clinical studies.
We are honored to receive Dr Plant as a speaker on the
topics of essential oil advancements, including gene expression and cell
active, cell permeable testing. Dr Plant
is a charismatic speaker whom both the general public and the health care
community, will both appreciate and comprehend a deeper understanding of
essential oils. There is a quantifiable
difference in essential oils which will be explained as well as proper and safe
uses of essential oils.
topics of essential oil advancements, including gene expression and cell
active, cell permeable testing. Dr Plant
is a charismatic speaker whom both the general public and the health care
community, will both appreciate and comprehend a deeper understanding of
essential oils. There is a quantifiable
difference in essential oils which will be explained as well as proper and safe
uses of essential oils.
Dr Plant will also elaborate on the topic of sound
nutrition and diet.
nutrition and diet.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Ameo Clinical Grade Essential Oils in Bismarck, ND this Fall 2015
Zija-Ameo Introduction:
Coming Sept 24th, Michael McLean & Jarom Dastrup will be coming from Zija corporate to introduce Zija (Moringa) and Ameo (clinical grade essential oils) and what the difference is.
Open to the public, free to attend. 7:00pm at Bismarck, ND Hampton Inn & Suites (near BSC).
Sept 26 & 27 at Buck Stop Junction (east of Bismarck, ND) Ameo will have a booth there with essential oils, moringa products, samples, roller ball blends & sprays, reference books (non-company), diffusers and diffuser jewelry all for sale. Join us & see what the difference is.
Bismarck State College (BSC) offering classes on essential oils.
Sept 30th 6:30pm Basic 101, Truth vs Marketing Hype
October 1st: Ladies Lavender & Lace event (18 yrs & older). Pre-register $20, at the door $25.
Event consists of guest speakers, foods to sample, free product drawings, samples, lots of fun.
At Country Suites 7:00pm, Bismarck, ND (call 701-315-0153 for tickets, accept credit card or paypal). Limited space. We'll also have a booth set up for products for sale as well.
Oct 19 & 20 (2 day class) Beyond Basic's of essential oils, learning about blending & using.
6:30pm Register through BSC
November 12 Personal Care Products, make & take workshop with essential oils 6:30pm, register through BSC.
December 2, 6:30pm (repeat class) Basic 101: Truth vs Marketing Hype on essential oils.
All events are located in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Contact by phone for Lavender & Lace tickets. Contact Bismarck State College for class registrations. Zija Ameo Intro is free to public.
December 14 6:30pm Roller Ball Blends & Sprays, make & take workshop with essential oils at 6:30pm, register through BSC.
Coming Sept 24th, Michael McLean & Jarom Dastrup will be coming from Zija corporate to introduce Zija (Moringa) and Ameo (clinical grade essential oils) and what the difference is.
Open to the public, free to attend. 7:00pm at Bismarck, ND Hampton Inn & Suites (near BSC).
Sept 26 & 27 at Buck Stop Junction (east of Bismarck, ND) Ameo will have a booth there with essential oils, moringa products, samples, roller ball blends & sprays, reference books (non-company), diffusers and diffuser jewelry all for sale. Join us & see what the difference is.
Bismarck State College (BSC) offering classes on essential oils.
Sept 30th 6:30pm Basic 101, Truth vs Marketing Hype
October 1st: Ladies Lavender & Lace event (18 yrs & older). Pre-register $20, at the door $25.
Event consists of guest speakers, foods to sample, free product drawings, samples, lots of fun.
At Country Suites 7:00pm, Bismarck, ND (call 701-315-0153 for tickets, accept credit card or paypal). Limited space. We'll also have a booth set up for products for sale as well.
Oct 19 & 20 (2 day class) Beyond Basic's of essential oils, learning about blending & using.
6:30pm Register through BSC
November 12 Personal Care Products, make & take workshop with essential oils 6:30pm, register through BSC.
December 2, 6:30pm (repeat class) Basic 101: Truth vs Marketing Hype on essential oils.
All events are located in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Contact by phone for Lavender & Lace tickets. Contact Bismarck State College for class registrations. Zija Ameo Intro is free to public.
December 14 6:30pm Roller Ball Blends & Sprays, make & take workshop with essential oils at 6:30pm, register through BSC.
Monday, May 25, 2015
CAUTION on Information about Essential Oils
I am not an expert. However, neither is someone who's taken a training class from their company and calls themselves a health coach or certified aromatherapist.
Education takes time & is expensive. I've taken 12 certification courses at expensive of over $5,000 and am working on my Clinical Masters in Aromatherapy & Essential Oils now. I rely heavily on books from world renown actual experts in the field of aromatherapy (essential oils), and not self proclaimed experts. I rely on the advice of people like Dr Daniel Penoel, MD, who's used essential oils in his medical practice for 40 yrs. And Dr Joshua Plant PhD, who graduated from Harvard Medical, an 8 yr program in under 4 yrs & #1 in his class. I do not follow a company traveling educator (even a company paid nurse) and I would never trust the advice of someone who's taken a simple company training course as "educated".
There are also "experts" who give conflicting bias information out there. As well as those stating they do not advocate taking essential oils internally, while another of their blog posts will suggest for an upset stomach a spoon of honey & peppermint oil, or tea with ginger oil added, obviously taken internally. It's not a blanket observation, but we should learn before using, and learn from real experts and not opinions or marketing myths.
Ask the person giving you advice...
#1> Where did you learn about essential oils from?
#2> What resource or book are you giving this advice from?
#3> What is the Research supporting the claim or advice you're giving?
#4> Are you certified in Aromatherapy & Essential Oils? What school did you attend? What classes or level have you completed?
#5> Are you registered-licensed with the NAHA or AIA? (For Recommended Schools to consider, look at the NAHA website)
#6> Are you Insured for liability? (Available from NAHA after completing Certification)
#7> What oil company do you represent? What is the proof-tests for the quality of their oils?
Conclusion: Know that the person offering the advice has been well educated, following respected (not just popular through a company) books, and is Licensed & Insured if they are giving advice for "medical related" or Internal use of oils. This is not important if your just following them for a recipe in cleaners or bug spray. But I would still consider the quality of any oils applied to the skin as well, since it takes 26 seconds to reach the blood stream.
Don't follow the "marketing hype" wrong advice. The FDA has come down on several companies mainly due to their consultants giving BAD advice, making Wrong claims. (I left one of those companies). Also note: nearly every company is adding essential oils to their product line. This does NOT mean all their product line is bad, but it also does NOT mean the essential oils they've added is good. ASK for their testing. Most companies oils are good for "crafting" and "cleaning" NOT anything on or in body-medical related. Especially not for children or elderly.
Yes there is a true, proven, recognized by world authorities in aromatherapy, tested & tests are released, clinical grade essential oil. Consider this oil for everything on or in body. If you're company has added oils, use them in potpourri or crafting, making soap or cleaners. Don't believe everything even a company says, ask for the proof-tests-research. Ameo is a "transparent" company, they hide nothing, they show tests on every bottle & batch, they continue to put research before everything. And a batch of oil that does not pass the extra testing clinical standard, a broker sells those (lesser quality) oils to other companies.
If you want more information, message me your email and I'll send an email with links.
Dr Daniel Penoel,MD is considered the world expert in Essential Oils.
"Integreated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy"
He has used essential oils in his medical practice for over 40 yrs.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Rabbits and essential oils
In the wild, rabbits run about in clean fields and woods, but in captivity they often have to put up with urine-soaked straw under their feet in confined living quarters. It really is only fair to ensure that their cages are kept clean and fresh. Urine and feces that are allowed to rot because bateria and all their attendent problems, so clean your rabbits cage out regularly and put the hay up off the floor, where it can be taken as feed. Dried herbs on the bottom of the cage stops maggots from breeding. Flies spread myxomatosis, a manmade disease that was devised to control the wild rabbit population. This is another reason to prevent flies and maggots in the cage.
Sniffles and cold affect rabbits. Use Eucalyptus Globulus, Peppermint, or Tea Tree on the fur--chest and back. Also wash the cage out in water that has had Tea Tree or Eucalyptus Globulus added -- this will also put an end to the flies.
Canker can affect rabbits in the same way as cats and dogs. Apply to the affected ear a little olive oil to which 1 drop of True Lavender has been added. Tea tree can also be used and helps to prevent any infection from the scratching.
When using essential oils on people or animals, it's important to use the purest quality available. There is a true clinical grade (medical grade) available at:
Small Farming, Horses & Essential Oils
The following essential oils can be used in the care of farm animals.
To keep insects away from animals:
Patchouli, Tea Tree, Lavender, Thyme, Citronella, Peppermint, Rue.
To keep rodents away from animals:
Peppermint, Patchouli, Spearmint, Garlic, Rue
A horse's stable needs to be kept clean and dry, but this environment also provides a perfect place for
a family of mice to make their home. To prevent this, wash the floor in the usual way and as a final rinse, wash down the whole stall with 1 gallon of water to which 15 drops of peppermint oil has been added.
Horses get worms, just as other animals do. To treat worms,, include tansy leaves in the horse's feed and add 3 drops of thyme oil to each feed.
Flies are a problem in stables and it is said that a walnut tree planted nearby will keep them away. But that isn't always possible. To stop horses fretting with these annoying little insects, put 2 neat drops of lemongrass or citronella essential oil onto the brush you use to brush them down.
Hoof rot can affect all hoofed animals. The affected hooves should be treated with hot compresses.
Use 1 teaspoon of the following formula for each compress:
10 drops Roman chamomile, 15 drops Thyme, 5 drops Melissa. Diluted in 3 oz vegetable oil.
It is also very important to wash down the stall with an essential oil mix:
2 teaspoons chamomile oil, 1 teaspoon thyme oil, 40 drops lemongrass oil. Add to 1 gallon water, then use 2 cups to 1 gallon water being used.
Horses are often struck down with leg problems. Fractures of the leg are about the worst thing that can happen to a horse, but healing can be sped up by compresses of ginger oil. Add 10 drops of ginger to 3 oz olive oil. Heat the oil and add to a compress, which should be wrapped around the leg. Cabbage leaves are also helpful. Massaging the leg after the fracture has healed will strengthen the ligaments and help prevent calcification. This is the oil to use:
20 drops thyme, 10 drops rosemary diluted in 3oz vegetable oil.
When possible, always use a clinical grade (medical grade) essential oil for the best results. This is the purest oil available at
Monday, May 4, 2015
Cows, Calves, Bulls and Essential Oils
Cows often need a tonic. Make up the following for them:
10 drops Fennel and 5 drops Roman Chamomile dilute in 3 oz of water.
When you have added the essential oils to the water, shake well and use 1 teaspoon mixed with more water in a plant-spray to spray the feed in winter.
The milk production of cows can be invreased by adding to their feed the right herb or oil instead of these hormones that the unwitting consumer must drink along with the milk. Hazelnut leaves are said to increase the butterfat content of the milk while also being very good for the cow's digestive system. Melissa (lemon balm) is also effective for increasing milk production. Use it dried in the feed or add 15 drops of melissa essential oil to 3 oz. boiling water and use 1 teaspoon of this, sprayed on the feed. Marjoram is also good for increased lactation, as well as preventing cows aborting. Put 10 drops of Marjoram essential oil in 3 oz. boiling water and add 1 teaspoon of this to 1 qt of water in a plant-spray, and spray the cows feed. Use this method after the birth as well, to help the uterus.
Diarrhea or scours in calves can be treated by adding 1 drop of Roman Chamomile oil to their feed. Bathe the abdomen with a large piece of old material which has been soaked in 4-1/2 qts of warm water to which 10 drops of roman chamomile oil has been added.
Always use the highest grade, purest clinical grade essential oils available. Choose other options if needed, trying to find the best available. Animals respond best to the purest, rather than adulterated, contaminated or synthetics in oils.
Bee's and essential oils
To make bees take to a new hive, blend the following essential oils together in a Tablespoon of water, soak a piece of material in this, and use it to rub the inside walls of the hive. Melissa essential oil is also good for this purpose. All these essential oils can be used on their own or combination.
Hyssop 1 drop, Fennel 1 drop, Thyme 1 drop.
Take care to use the highest quality of essential oils you can obtain, even if some are higher grade than others, choose the top first, then come down to next available. Do this because in nature, the bee's & insects, the animals, know the difference between pure & adulterated, contaminated, synthetic. If you want the best results, find the highest clinical grade oils first, then find the others.
OR as stated, for example Thyme can be used on it's own as well.
Friday, May 1, 2015
Sheep and Goats and Essential Oils
Mice are a problem in lambing sheds, but as mice hate peppermint grow some around the sheds as a border. When washing the pens down use as a final rinse a gallon of water to which 5 drops of peppermint oil have been added. You can also drop neat peppermint oil into the straw, all around the edges of the pen. The peppermint seems to relax the mothers and makes the pen a pleasant place to be in. After the birth, give the sheep a drink made by adding 1 drop of yarrow oil to a quart of boiling water and allow it to cool.
Goats' milk production is increased by adding 1 teaspoon of the following formula to their feed.
Fennel 7 drops and Dill 8 drops diluted in 3 oz of water.
Goats are prone to worms, giving them large amounts of carrots will help or spray the feed with 1 teaspoon of the following, diluted further in the plant-spray:
Carrot oil 10 drops diluted in 3 oz of water.
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Dips & Sauces Recipes with Essential Oils

Fruit Dip with Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon Pineapple Cheese-ball
Servings: 10
Time: 10 minutes active; 2 hours inactive
Difficulty: Easy
Two 8 oz. packages cream cheese (room temperature)
1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1 package ranch dressing mix
2 drops lemon essential oil
1 cup pineapple, finely chopped
2 cups chopped pecans
Combine cream cheese, grated cheese, ranch dressing mix, and lemon essential oil in a large bowl. Stir until well incorporated.
Stir in chopped pineapple.
Form the mixture into a ball.
Roll the ball in chopped pecans.
Wrap the cheese-ball in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight.
Serve cheese-ball with your choice of crackers.
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