Why can't I get the same thing from a health food store -- and maybe even cheaper? Fair question...
#1: Developed by a medical team
Scientific Formulation -- Formula IV was originally developed by a team of doctors in southern California hospital in response to a growing epidemic of the fatigue syndrome. So many people were seeking help for chronic fatigue, the staff decided to do a research project to see if something could be done. This turned into a 3-year study involving more than 1400 people who were experiencing chronic fatigue and accompanying degenerative diseases.
Poor Adrenal Function -- Working from patient to laboratory, this medical research team discovered that chronic fatigue was related, in most cases, to poor adrenal function. The adrenal glands boost energy by sending hormones to the liver to release stored blood sugar when blood sugar levels begin to get low. But if the adrenals cannot respond, this energy cannot be released, and a constant feeling of tiredness is the result.
#2 Helps the Endocrine Gland System
As the problem focused around adrenal action, it naturally led to a study of the hormones they make. They reasoned that if there is something missing from our food which is needed to make the abundant in meat, milk, eggs, grains, vegetables, and fruits. But what about the lipids and sterols? They found that they were present only in OILS that come from "Grains". Unfortunately these oils are milled away in the refining process because they quickly become rancid when the grain is processed. The resulting white-flour foods that most of us live on are sadly lacking in these essential oils. Consequently there is a great deficiency of lipids and sterols in our daily diet. Without these fatty acids it is difficult for our adrenals to produce the hormones needed to combat chronic fatigue.
Lipids and Sterols provided -- The Doctors who conducted this study developed a potent concentrate from grain oils that contain the lipids and sterols needed for hormone production. When they began adding this concentrate to the diet of the study cases in the hospital -- along with vitamins and minerals and a good diet -- they began to get amazing results. Fatigue and degenerative disease gave way to restored health and energy as hormone production increased.
Formula IV Plus is a more recent improvement, containing even more of the Tre-en-en Grain Oil Concentrates per packet, plus additional minerals such as zinc and chromium. ON the other hand, it leaves out iron, giving a choice to those who do not need additional daily amounts of this mineral.
Competitive brands lack the lipids and sterols -- Other food supplements in the health food stores do NOT contain the lipids and sterols which are so necessary for hormone production to combat the fatigue syndrome. They have only 2 of the 4 elements needed -- vitamins ( usually synthetic) and minerals -- but no lipids or sterols. Formula IV and Formula IV Plus include all 4 in a special quality gelatin capsule designed to preserve purity and freshness.
Formula IV and Formula IV Plus are supplements you can "Feel" -- Many people have said, I have tried various kinds of vitamins, but Formula IV is the first one that I can feel". This is because Formula IV and Formula IV Plus help our entire endocrine gland system to function better. The adrenal glands are a very important part of that system, and when their production is improved we feel better.
#3 Works at the cellular level
Structure of the cell wall -- We are made up of trillions of cells, each one a complete manufacturing plant in itself. The cell wall consists of an outer and inner layer with lipids and sterols in the middle to keep it soft and pliable -- like the peanut butter in a peanut butter sandwich. But this wall is more than a wall. It is also a door to let nutrients in and let wastes out of the cell. Without the softening affect of the lipids and sterols it tends to become tough and resistant. This makes it more difficult for nutrients to get in and wastes to get out, contributing to a toxic build up within the cell.
Formula IV and Formula IV Plus supply what the cell wall needs -- The average diet does not contain enough lipids and sterols to supply the needs of the cell wall, since they are removed in the refining process. Formula IV and Formula IV Plus provide a generous supply of these oils in their Tre-en-en Grain Oil Concentrates. A regular supply of Formula IV or Formula IV Plus furnishes what the cell wall needs, making it more pliable, allowing nutrients to enter more readily, and wastes to be excreted. A few weeks on this product is, for your body, what a tune-up is for your car. When your cells are functioning properly you get the nutrition in and wastes out, and lose the blahs or toxic buildup in the cells.
Store Brands are missing the lipids and sterols -- Other vitamin formulas do not contain the lipids and sterols which are so necessary inside the cell wall. Even a natural formula from the health food store (if you can find one) does not contain the oils necessary to keep the cell wall soft and pliable. Formula IV and Formula IV Plus are in a class by themselves because they abundantly provide for this important part of our body chemistry.
#4 Formula IV and Formula IV Plus are "Natural"
Natural is Better -- We believe that natural vitamins are more beneficial than synthetics. Natural food supplements are derived from real foods and contain much of the healthful properties of the foods from which they come. Synthetics are made from non-food sources such as petroleum. They re-arrange the molecular structure to try to match the real thing, and claim equality with natural vitamins. But we believe they fall far short of the real thing. (Future Blog on Natural Versus Synthetic).
Higher Quality means better health -- Formula IV and Formula IV Plus are high quality natural formulas, and in our opinion they do far more in the body than synthetic competitive brands with no grain oil concentrates.
#5 Prostaglandins
A New discovery -- It was once thought that all hormones were produced by the endocrine gland system. But in the late 1960s it was discovered that each cell also produces it's own set of hormones for important body functions. They were called "prostaglandins" because they were first discovered in the cells of the prostate gland. Since that time many varieties of prostaglandins have been found, making a whole family of these cell-manucatured hormones. They control many important functions of the body such as blood pressure, and childbirth contractions.
Prostaglandins require lipids and sterols -- Like the hormones of the endocrine system, they are composed of protein, minerals, lipids and sterols. The only difference is, they are manufactured at the cellular level. Formula IV was developed nearly twenty years before the discovery of prostaglandins, yet the rich supply of lipids and sterols in the Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates is just what the cells need. Along with protein and minerals, to produce prostaglandins. Other vitamin formulas do not have what it takes to make these vital hormones.
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