Thursday, January 29, 2015

Supplements? See how you're FLUSHING your vitamins and money

What are food supplements, and why do we need them?  
Food supplements are vitamins and minerals and other concentrated nutrients which are necessary for good health. 
So why do we need them?  Can't we get everything we need from our regular food? 
Many health authorities tell us that we don't need supplements.  They say all we have to do is eat a good diet. 
But millions of us feel that this is precisely the problem.  Most of us do NOT get a good diet, and we are desperately in need of extra help to maintain our health.
An important USDA survey showed that only 3% of the population of the US eats a diet which meets the Four  Food Groups pattern.  Not a single person of the more than 21, 500 people surveyed obtained 100% of the RDA of each of ten essential nutrients (USDA Human Nutrition Information Service Publication Nutrient Intakes: Individuals in 48 States, Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, report no 1-2, pp 367-370)

Much is Lacking in our Food
It is a fact that most of our food is grown on commercial farms and is produced by chemical fertilization in nutrient depleted soil.  The result is food that looks good, but may not supply what our bodies need for good health.  To further darken the picture, it may be picked before it is ripe, and stored for weeks before we get it.  Results?  Less and less nutrition that reaches our plate.  If it is displayed under bright lights, cooked at too high a temperature, or boiled in water, more nutrients are lost, resulting in further deficit.  
Much is added to our food.
Not only are we hurt by what is lost from our food supply, but there is a problem with what is added.
During the past century a whole new world of additives and pollutants have deluged our food, water and air.  Hundreds of chemicals have been added to our food which are designed to flavor it, preserve it, color it, keep it's shape, etc.  Our water supply is fouled with poisons that are added,or simply find their way in -- such as chlorine, pesticides, and industrial wastes.  Our air is also polluted with things like petrochemicals from automobile exhausts and tobacco smoke.  All of this requires more nutrition daily just to cope with the toxins and allergens that surround us.

We need super nutrition to handle the stresses associated with modern civilization, but we bring home less and less from the grocery store in the form of usable nutrition.  consequently our civilization is plagued with an increasingly onslaught of degenerative disease.  Immune systems can't keep up.  Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other diseases sweep like a giant epidemic across the land, taking even children and young adults in its path. 

The Refining Industry
To further complicate the picture, there is the food refining industry.  Perhaps a more fitting term would be the "robbing" industry.  They take our wheat which contains so much good nutrition, and strip it of approximately twenty-two nutrients.  Then they add back a few synthetic vitamins and minerals, and call if "enriched". 
This is like walking down the street one dark night with $22.00 in your purse, and somebody jumps out and slugs you, and takes it all.  But as you lay there unconscious, your assailant feels sorry for you and puts back into your wallet a few counterfeit dollars and says, "There! Now you are enriched."
After that kind of treatment you probably would not feel "enriched".  Yet that is what is happening to us, nutritionally, every day.  The food giants constantly rob us of the nutrients God put into our grains, and replace them with a few synthetics, and call the devitalized white flour "enriched".  A good food supplement like Formula IV or Formula IV Plus, if taken regularly, helps restore the vitamins, minerals and grain oils that have been lost through the food processing industry.

Meal Skippers and Dieters
Then there are all those people who are meal skippers and dieters.  If we miss one-third of our daily nutrition by skipping breakfast, and then piece on junk food for lunch, it is impossible to make up for the loss at the end of the day with a big supper.  Food supplements help bridge the gap left by poor eating habits and skipped meals.  This is not to say that supplements will take the place of food.  But if a meal is skipped, or junk food is substituted for a nutritious meal, additional vitamins and minerals help supply what is missing, and maintain a measure of health in spite of our carelessness.

Restaurant eating and fast foods
Some of us eat many of our meals in restaurants.  "Eating out" ranges form just a social occasion for some, to a regular source of meals for others.  Restaurant food is notorious for its lack of nutrition, refined foods, high fat, and salt content.  NeoLife food supplements help restore a measure of good nutrition to an otherwise self-destructive diet.
Sponsor #32-360985

Degenerative diseases
The three leading causes of illness and death are heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.  Many of these illnesses occur in the prime of life when we are the most productive, or in our golden years when we should be enjoying retirement and our grandchildren.  Why is an apparently healthy person struck down by a degenerative disease like cancer or a heart attack?

One reason is because we fail to furnish our cells with the nutrients necessary to support their function at the exact time they are needed.  Just to the extent that any cells are deprived of any nutrients, they are unable to carry on the processes of life.  Every one of our trillions of cells is a manufacturing plant within itself.  There is a stream of nutrients going in, generating an output of heat and energy called "life".  Any interruption of the supply of nutrients going in hinders the health of the cell and decreases its output of energy.  to be healthy and productive, each cell must always have what it needs when it needs it, to carry on this process of life.

Degeneration takes place gradually over a period of years as we fail to give our cells the constant supply of nutrients which they need.  Then -- almost suddenly it seems -- junk foods, skipped meals, and neglected nutrion take their toll, and we are "struck down" with cancer, heart attack, or some other disease.  But it diddn't really happen suddenly.  It was actually building over a long period of time as we deprived our body of WHAT is needed WHEN it needed it.

NeoLife is the Better answer
By taking a good natural food supplement from NeoLife on a regular basis, we help correcct these deficiencies by supplying WHAT the cells need, WHEN They need it.  This prevents the slide into fatigue, pain, disability and early death that we see all around us.   As a result we feel better, having more energy and enjoy life more.

What should I take?

The question may be asked, "What food supplements should I be using?"  The answer, of course, depends on your own particular needs.  I'll be having a blog post later of a Self Evaluation Health Test, that's helpful in indicating what YOUR body NEEDS.  An effective and revealing self analysis.  It will help you see the areas where you are deficient, and what products help overcome them.

It is safe to say that everyone needs Formula IV or Formula IV Plus regularly.  This supplement contains the vitamins & minerals & Tre-en-en grain oil concentrates that produce a better level of health and energy.  A choice of one of the Daily Vitality packs is even better.  Stress 30, Forty Plus, or Sports 30 contain Formula IV or Formula IV Plus -- and they also have a rich supply of other supplements desirable for your individual life style.

A glass of NeoLife Protein each morning also helps us start the day right.  It provides the sustained energy for morning's work, plus furnishing all 22 amino acid building blocks for building, repairing and maintaining a healthy body.

There IS a HUGE difference in supplements. 

This will be addressed also in another blog post.You can see in this x-ray, a vitamin that was NOT absorbed, actually leaving the body.  You do not benefit to your health if your flushing your vitamins & money down the toilet.  NeoLife, have been tested and have TOTAL ABSORPTION, so you benefit from every dose.
Sponsor #32-360985

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