This test is not offered as a diagnosis or cure for any condition, illness or disease. It is designed to help you associate better health with better nutrition. It is generally true that improved nutrition produces better health. Therefore, it makes good sense to bolster your nutrition intake in all areas where you show a need. Wherever your check marks occur, there is a possibility that nutritional deficiencies exist. By supplying supplementation in those areas where you recognize deficiencies, you may help normalize the body chemistry, and in turn, experience a higher level of energy and well-being.
To complete this test, move down each set off questions and mark the lines where you reccognize that you have a problem. The first line of each section shows a particular vitamin, mineral or other nutritional product needed to maintain health. The check-boxes under it show some of the physical problems which result from a deficiency of that nutrient. The last line of each section shows which NeoLife product contain the particular nutrient needed.
When you finish your health evaluation you may find that you have marked the same complaint under more than one heading. This means that you may obtain help form more than one product.
Since NeoLife vitamins are natural rather than synthetic, they are safe to use in any combination.
Whatever your results on the test, NeoLife is so sure of this they offer a money-back guarantee. If you try these products regularly as directed for 30 days and you do not feel better, you may ask for a refund of your money, no questions asked.
Please give careful consideration to each item in this test. Should you show 1/2 or more check-marks under that nutritional supplement questions (deficiency conditions), that would indicate you have a strong need for that nutritional supplement. With less than 1/2 marked, it's a lower need. Do not be concerned with 1-2 marked.
Photo shows an over the counter brand vitamin available in most grocery or chain stores.
Remember, not all nutritional supplements are created equal. Most on the market are made with
synthetics. Most do not dissolve and literally pass right through you, meaning your flushing the
vitamin & your money down the toilet with no benefit gained. NeoLife dissolves completely, is all natural from the purest sources available.
Formula IV, Formula IV Plus, Tre-en-en
___ Feeling tired, fatigued
___ Hormone IMbalance
___ Allergies
___ Poor assimilation of nutrients
___ Arthritis
___ Infections
___ Poor growth & development
PhytoDefense (Carotenoids, Flavonoids, & Cruciferous Plus Vita-Guard, Beta-Guard)
___ Premature aging
___ Cancer
___ Heart disease
___ Weak immune system
___ Macular degeneration
___ Cataract
___ Sunlight sensitivity
Protein (Super Ease, NouriShake, Premium, Vegetarian)
___ Feeling tired, Fatigued
___ Low Blood Sugar
___ Craving sweets, alcohol, or drugs
___ Flabbiness
___ Overweight, underweight
___ Thinning hair
___ Infections
___ Slow healing
___ Swollen ankles
___ Brittle nails
Aloe-Vera Complex
___ Digestive problems
___ Stomach Ulcers
___ Constipation
___ Colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome
___ Crohns disease
___ Intestinal parasites
___ Weak immune system
___ Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections
___ Stress
___ Tiredness
___ Asthma
___ Diabetes
Digestive Aids (Enzyme, Beta-Gest, Acidophilus Plus)
___ Indigestion, heartburn
___ Belching, regurgitation
___ Gas, bloating
___ Tooo full feeling
___ Bad breath
___ Food allergies
___ Cancer
___ Eczema
Acidophilus Plus
___ Candida yeast symptoms
___ Gas & bloating
___ PMS
___ Canker sores
___ Indigestion
Fiber (Multi-Fiber blend, All Natural Fiber, Alfalfa Plus Fiber)
___ Constipation
___ Diarrhea, loose bowel
___ Bowel discomfort
___Colitis, Ileitis, Crohn's disease
___ Bowel cancer
___ Hemorrhoids
___ High cholesterol
___ Diabetes
Vitamin A
___ Sinus infections, drainage, allergies, hay fever
___ Lung congestion
___ Asthma, Bronchitis
___ Ear infections
___ Kidney & Bladder infections
___ Weak immune system
___ Dry skin
___ Acne
___ Irritable bowel, Colitis, Ileitis, Crohn's disease
___ Ulcers of all types
___ Warts
___ Poor night vision
Vitamin B Complex
___ Stressed out feelings
___ Nervousness
___ Depression
___ Tiredness, fatigue
___ Anemia
___ Blotchy, scaly skin
___ Dark circles under eyes
___ Thinning hair
___ Nausea of pregnancy
___ Burning feet
Vitamin C (All C, Super C)
___ Colds, flu, viruses
___ Weak immune system
___ Infections
___ Bruise easily
___ Bleeding gums
___ Loose teeth
___ Slow healing
___ Sprain easily
___ Varicose veins
___ Hemorrhoids
___ Stroke
___ Cancer
___ High cholesterol
Vitamin E Plus
___ Poor circulation
___ Cold hands & feet
___ Shortness of breath
___ Emphysema
___ Angina pain
___ Heart attack
___ Stroke
___ Blood clots, phlebitis
___ Leg cramps
___ Ulcers
___ Alzheimer's disease, dementia
___ Purpura ( purple blotches)
___ Brown "aging" spots
___ Tendency toward scar tissue
___ Skin, stomach, or intestinal ulcers
___ Infertility
___ Miscarriage
___ Fibrocystic breast disease
___ Hernia
Calcium-Magnesium (Cal-Mag)
___ Osteoporosis, brittle bones
___ Arthritis
___ Backache
___ Brittle nails
___ Menstrual problems, PMS
___ Leg cramps
___ Leg aches, growing pains
___ Irregular heart beat
___ High blood pressure
___ Insomnia
___ Canker sores
Iron (or Multi-Minerals)
___ Iron deficiency anemia
___ Weakness
___ Tiredness, fatigue
Zinc (Chelated Zinc [better absorption])
___ Slow healing
___ Acne
___ Loss of appetite
___ Food doesn't taste good
___ Prostate trouble
___ Body odor (when you stink you need zinc)
___ Irregular heart beat
___ Infant wakefulness
Multi-Mineral Complex (with chelates, for absorption)
___ Water retention
___ Irregular heart beat (arrythmia, tachycadia)
___ Crave sweets
___ Muscle cramps (leg cramps)
___ Weak immune system
___ Sinus allergies, hay fever
___ Sinus headache
___ Toxic conditions
___ Occupational, environmental poisoning
___ Food and chemical poisoning
Liver Plus C
___ Liver problems & diseases
___ Lack of stamina
___ Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia
Lipotropic Adjunct (or Lecithin)
___ High cholesterol, high triglycerides
___ High Blood pressure
___ Poor Circulation
Salmon Oil [pure not poor quality](Salmon Oil Plus, Omega III)
___ High cholesterol, high triglycerides
___ High Blood pressure
___ Joint Stiffness, back pain
___ Inflammation
___ Rheumatoid arthritis
___ Migraine headache
___ Psoriasis
(No fishy after taste)
___ High cholesterol, high triglycerides
___ Memory impairment
___ Gallstones
Garlic Allium Complex (don't burp up garlic)
___ High blood pressure
___ Hich cholesterol
___ Poor immune system
___ Infections
(Note: can also help with keeping mosquito's from biting in summer)
Resp Eleven, Herbal Respiratory Formula
___ Sinus allergies, hay fever
___ Stuffed up or runny nose
___ Asthma, wheezing
___ Bronchitis
Cod Liver Oil
___ Arthritis
___ Joint Stiffness
___ Back pain
___ Osteoporosis
Enersine (Free-Form Amino Acids)
___ tiredness, fatigue, low blood sugar
___ Depression
___ Lack of mental alertness
___ Overweight
Bio-Tone Trimming System (Free-Form Amino Acids)
___ Flabbiness
___ Muscle weakness
___ Poor muscle development
___ undesirable muscle-to-fat ratio
Feminine Herbal Complex
___ Menstrual problems
___ PMS
___ Hot flashes

Masculine Herbal Formula
___ Prostate trouble
___ Unsatisfactory sexual performance
Herbal Mind Enhancement, Rest & Relax
___ Memory difficulties
___ Mental sluggishness
___ Tiredness, fatigue
___ Anxiety
___ Depression
___ Insomnia
Alfalfa Plus Fiber
___ Arthritis
___ Constipation
___ High cholesterol
___ Water retention
___ Peptic ulcers
NOW: Evaluate your scores, and mark the Nutritional Supplements you have 1/2 or more Checks.
There are several that over lap. Consider the supplement need that has the most checks.
Do you need everything you checked? Probably not, there is a lot of the benefits in the Formula IV.
Try that first. Then reevaluate yourself after you've taken the bottle of Formula IV (or Formula IV Plus).
OR Try the Pro-Vitality pack, which has a little more. After completing this package, reevaluate.
Now, consider adding supplements that still have a strong need 1/2 or more checks, to your routine.
Reevaluate after each completion, to see where your current needs are before ordering.
Sponsor #32-360985
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