Sunday, January 25, 2015

DYI Recipes EveryDay Solutions with Essential Oils

Are you concerned about all the toxins you're hearing about that are found in your daily products around your home?  From cleaners to personal care products, it seems toxins are found everywhere.
So what can we do about it?  
Consider making your own toxic free products.  Oh, but you think it's too difficult, too much trouble?
Actually,  it takes a very few steps, very easy and quick with amazing results.

Step #1
Collect your supplies.  This is a table I set up in my kitchen, I have all my supplies easily accessible & together.  I put all oils in an ice cream bucket, all soap bases in an ice cream bucket.  this way I have what I want together.  All supplies set out on the day I plan to do a lot of "cooking".

If you'd rather make 1 recipe to try, only need a couple ingredients and a kitchen counter.  It's so easy to make just one recipe an evening, even while your supper is cooking.

What I like to do, is devote a part of my day, or all day, to making many recipes at once.

Besides quality "base" supplies, some I buy online, some I buy in bulk at Sam's Club or Walmart.
Then I use top quality Essential Oils.  Why?  Because this isn't just fragrance.  If I settle for lesser quality oils, what is the purpose?  I'm not going through the motions of replacing toxic chemicals with anything less than a highest quality essential oil.  After all, these products are touching out skin, their in our environment, they are around us in our daily routine.  I want only the best for my family.

You may not have heard of this brand before.  Yes, I know there are the big names out there.  
However, this company launched on September 25th, 2014.  Yes it's new, and it's proven!

Ameo is the Industry Leader, the First and ONLY Clinical Grade Essential Oils found in the USA.
No, that isn't just a marketing term.  Yes, Therapeutic grade IS just a marketing term, no science.
But to become Clinical grade, there are a lot more tests, and very strict standards set by the Doctors & Scientists, World Renown Experts in the field of Aromatherapy & Essential Oils. 
Men like these....  
Dr Daniel Penoel (co-author of Integrated Guide to Essential Oils & Aromatherapy) this book is wonderful, backed with scientific research & clinical support.  Dr Penoel MD, has been practicing in France for 40 years using Essential Oils with his patients.  Everyone who's Anyone in the world of Aromatherapy has studied under or from Dr Penoel & his books.
Also, Dr Pierre Franchomme and Mr Michael Scholes have joined with Ameo.
And Dr Bryan Hawley Chiropractor uses Ameo exclusively in his clinic & his school.
Then Ameo has Dr Joshua Plant PhD, graduated #1 in his class from Harvard Medical School, BioScience.  Yes, I'm impressed too. 
Ameo is supported by science, and they show the tests of each batch, every bottle.  No longer do you have to take one man or a companies word on the purity of their oils.  No you can see for yourself.
I'll post further links to support this at the end of this blog post.

* * * * *

So now, we have our supplies & our oils, next is the recipes.
I'll share a few, assorted recipes here for Everyday Solutions you could use.

Simple, quick, and effective.  I have made a container & marked it specific for bedding & blankets, or my delicate clothing, or our daily clothes, underwear & towels.
I like Pure Tranquility & Lavender in my Bedding & Blankets.  I like Ylang Ylang for my more delicate tops & dresses (beautiful scent for a woman).  And I like Lemon for most of our other loads.

I use the gentle Baby Soap of Castile 
As you see our teacup poodle is a bit delicate.
Once again, very quick & easy recipe and safe for the 4 legged members in the family.

I made this one with the liquid coconut oil
It's easy to apply.

I tried this on my weekly "beauty" routine 
Applied the Hair Mask, made sure my hair was saturated, then pinned it up and soaked for 1 hour in a detox relaxing hot bath.
I love this weekly routine.

This one I melted the solid coconut oil and when applying it melts easily with the warmth of your hands, and make sure you comb it through your hair to be distributed evenly.


This is as effective as the (V-brand) you're familiar with.
I apply it when I need to open my air passage ways to help me breath.

  Ameo Water Stain Scrub
1 Cup Epsom salt
1/2 Cup Baking Soda
1/3 Cup Dish Soap
5 drops Ameo Lemon Essential Oil

1- Mix Epsom salt, baking soda, soap & essential oil in a mixing bowl.
2- Wipe down water stained area prior to using scrub
3- Scoop mixture onto cotton cloth & begin buffing the affected area.
4- Let mixture sit for 3-5 minutes

5- Wash away with warm water
6- dry with paper towel
(Photo doesn't show as well, but it was beautifully clear) 

These Lotion Bars were very easy
If you don't have a Double Boiler pot
You can boil water, in a small pot, place a ceramic or glass bowel that fits on top the pot, put your ingredients in it and let them melt.
Or you can put a canning jar in a pot of hot water to melt ingredients.
I didn't have Silicon baking cups or molds, so I used soap making molds

I allowed these to cool on a towel until they turned white.  However, depending upon how warm your home is, I had to finish them in the fridge for a few minutes to get them firm enough to pop out of the molds.

I then wrapped them in plastic bags so they don't dry out.
To use, simply
Hold like a bar of soap, and Glide it across your body, legs, arms.  Beautiful  & Soft Lotion Bars.

A Facial is always a nice treat.  This one has added benefits of Antioxidant support.
When I do my weekly detox spa bath, with my hair treatment mask & one of the facials, it's pure heaven for even a 1/2 hour or 1 hour of my week, when we need to pamper ourselves too.

Our four legged family members deserve a toxic free life as well as being protected from the pesky bugs of summer.
This is a nice solution.  Apply to their collar, spray their coat when your in heavily invested areas, repeat if necessary.

And now, as promised at the beginning of this Blog post, the links to explain the Clinical Grade of Ameo Essential Oils.

Website: My ID#3000770

Ameo, the First Clinical grade essential oil company in the USA. The term Therapeutic grade is simply a marketing term, with no science supporting it. With Ameo, Clinical grade has to be supported by the strictest and highest standards accepted worldwide by the essential oil & aromatherapy community of Physicians and Scientists. Here is a youtube link to help explain this point. 
(explains the testing) 
(The Ameo Difference) 
(Améo Cell Active & Permeable Essential Oils) 
(A new look at essential oils) 
(Welcome to Ameo)

Ameo was launched September 25th, 2014. In just 90 days they’ve added 10,000 members.

This link is of a Chiropractor who was using is now Exclusive to Ameo for his clinic & his teaching.
(Chiropractor Dr Bryan Hawley)

Ameo also follows Evidence Based research on the safe & proper use of essential oils. Yes they can be ingested, cooked in foods & added to drinks or water, or in capsules.

Dr Daniel Penoel, explains the Ameo Basic 9 kit.
 The next 3 video's are rather long, but VERY informative
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
And the Website at

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