Monday, January 12, 2015

Why do some essential oils smell bad to me? Is a reaction mean I'm detoxing?

Why do I like or not like the smell of some oils?

First> Everyone is different and so is your nose. Thing can affect the way you smell, like if you are a smoker or around smokers, have pets, allergies, a cold, work around chemicals (home or work), including your age. Your senses diminish with age. So, if one has any of these factors, and another has a different factor, and you have none of these (except age, and your all the same age), you'll all smell the same oil differently.
Have you ever heard your own voice recorded? Do you think that sounds like you? Because what you hear when you speak, is through your body, different than what your hearing recorded.

Second> Peppermint for example is NOT the same as sweet peppermint in candy, gum, even other oils. The actual peppermint plants, smell an earthy-natural,  minty smell, subtle, not sweet. If an oil is too sweet, chances are they've enhanced it with adding something chemical to make it nicer. Ameo is the purest you can find, or it couldn't pass as clinical grade.

Third> Smelling from the bottle, or on your skin, or even on a test piece of paper, will be different. The bottle is the whole concentrated, with the tiny hole, little is evaporating. On a paper strip, it's
evaporating (as on your skin) but maybe the truest scent (provided this is a scent test strip, not chemical treated normal papers). On your skin, we all have differences and the same oil on my skin & yours won't be the exact same smell, if you smell my hand & yours.

Forth> If you simply don't like the scent of an essential oil (I don't like Lavender). Use it
FIRST on your Feet, let your body get used to it.
SECOND apply a drop to back of hand, smell, lick it from time to time.
THIRD you can diffuse it, 1-3 drops, then move to 5-7 drops stronger.
FORTH apply to your neck-chest, where your nose can smell it continuously.

Work your way into the oil, and your body will become accustom & enjoy it.
Unless you're a professional, trained for scents, the average person should not rely on their sense of smell to determine the quality of an oil.
However; Yes you can be having an allergic reaction to an essential oil.  If you have redness, irritation, burning sensation, severe itching, you need to discontinue the use of that oil, and apply a carrier oil to that location ASAP.  You are NOT detoxing, this is not a sign of detoxing. (marketing tactic of some oil companies).   Chances are likely if you're allergic to pine tree's, you're allergic to pine essential oil.  You can do an allergy test before applying the oils.

ALSO: It's not true that oils that stink to you, mean your body needs that oil. (another marketing tactic of some oil companies).

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